
What’s in your backpack series? London part two

What's in your backpack London

What’s in your backpack London series? Today we spoke to the gorgeous Cee, she’s a full time what I call ‘woman on a mission’.  She has one of the most uplifting Instagram accounts I’ve ever come across.  It’s one of the reasons I had to interview her.  She has the writing style of a stand…

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What’s in your backpack series?

whats in your bag

We all love a bit of a nose from time to time. I like to call it an active interest in other people, their lives, and aspirations and generally what they’ve got going on. I must admit when strolling through the streets of my home town, I particular love to peer through the windows of…

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The ONE reason why you need to ask for help

The one reason why you need to ask for help as a busy mama

Sometimes we just have to ask for help Historically women have been seen as the core or strength of a nation.  Even today we can see some cultures  where women are often seen as the bread winners, the money dealers and handlers or the person that gels the fabric of the village together.    Women…

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The perfect mother’s day gift that money can’t buy

What’s the perfect Mother’s Day gift? Mothering Sunday is coming up and its’s about now when the retailers and media start bombarding you with gift ideas for that super hero women in your life. But what’s the perfect gift for your loved one and what if you don’t have a lot of time or money.…

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How to be a working mama during half term or when school’s out

Such is the life the self-employed mama during half term. Its great you’re your own boss and can work wherever and whenever you like… But during any school or holiday season and in  London there’re a lot, it can be hard work or even hell… I mean a self-employed mama and a half term or…

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Sisterhood in the corporate world of work

Is there genuine sisterhood, togetherness, in the office comradeship? Flash back to scenes of  Devil Wears Prada or  Working Girl come to mind, as I was having a discussion with a mummy friend of mine, who works a senior role in the corporate world, about sisterhood in the work place; especially when you’re a working…

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7 steps to help you claim back your mornings.

Read our 7 steps to help you claim back your calm morning routine Picture this, the weekends over, it‘s Monday morning! Toys are everywhere, the TV’s blaring, breakfast has not been sorted and you have a half dressed toddler refusing to get dressed, crying for his/her blue Lego clip.  This clip is smaller than a…

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