How to be a working mama during half term or when school’s out

Such is the life the self-employed mama during half term.

Its great you’re your own boss and can work wherever and whenever you like… But during any school or holiday season and in  London there’re a lot, it can be hard work or even hell…

I mean a self-employed mama and a half term or any school break sort of doesn’t go.

So, this half term you’ve decided that you’re going to brave it out and close an important project, deal plus look after your four and a half year old active boy single handily.  Daddy (looks at you and) decides to hide behind hard core back to back meetings all week at work, thanks daddy!

Actually you’ve no choice, your mum has gone done with a last minute bout of flu and you’ve no back up child care plan.  So how’d you get your work done and maintain a balanced active happy four and a half year old during his special week off school.  ‘Cos with under 5s it’s all about them right!

Below I’m listing what worked well for me.

Have a plan for a realistic amount of work you need to do

You have a presentation, a proposal, a list of stuff to do on your website and research. Plus you want to do all the house work.  Well first things first, map out what you need to do and by when… now this is key… Half the amount of work, the amount of work on that list

So if you’ve a presentation and proposal, perhaps just do one or the other, NOT BOTH.  Try not to cram your work load.  One mummy friend told me that she was two weeks late for a phone call with her client… and happy that it’ll just have to wait until after the half term… (love this) Remember small steps check here for a reminder.


No don’t turn your house into a crèche…

Set up some play dates with your child’s friends.  Aim to have two to three play sessions set up.  Ideally on different days and ideally at the same time each day.  And outdoors this is key!   Want some tips then check here

So for us we have play sessions planned for Monday at 9:30am as well as Wednesday and Thursday at the same time.  This helps to create a structure for the week for both you and your child.

Love a routine?

Well guess what so do children.  Try eating desert first before dinner (well maybe that was not the best example as my son would happily gobble down ice cream before his main dinner no sweat).  Create a loose structured week with aims and goals for the both of you.getting on with your boss

You can even plan a fun learning activity for your child – make it exciting – for us it learning to tell the time.  My son loves time has several watches and loves to go into the kitchen and tell the time.  He then goes and double checks with Alexa…  Try build two hours of fun earning broken into 15 mins of work or learning.   We incorporate numbers into learning to read the time and we write the numbers, sing the numbers paint the numbers and cook with numbers, even dance with the numbers. We have a time dance and song!

TV and Ipad.

Yes have these on standby as you will need them – esp if you have an important phone call.  But don’t abuse them.  They’ll get bored and absorbing all that blue light can’t be good for their brains.

Try have at least ONE hour incorporated per day… if you need more then that’s your choice.  Be realistic that’s all I can say.

Chores and housework

When you make lunch or dinner get your kids involved.  Yes they are never too old.  My son can choose and select the veg.  I even let him cut the carrots.  We also have a rule that one needs to make their bed and brush their teeth before any ipad or TV can be switched on.

It’s good to talk

Try and work with other businesses that have kids or understand the half term juggle.  I had a call when I mistimed the TV and Ipad slot, my son starts to ask me for random stuff while I’m on the phone to my editor…  my editor laughs and in the background I can also hear his 4 year old chatting away in the background.  Cute!

Most importantly explain to your little ones what it is that you aim for the week and explain that on some days you will be busy doing x y and z…

Adult time

Try and rope in a lunch session with a friend or family member without kids.  This give you a chance to retain your sanity and gives you the opportunity to dress up a little bit. Instead of your track suit and cardigan – perhaps grab your backpack.  The brighter the better.

Well these helped me and next term holiday – which is Easter I’ll be well or better prepared! ‘cos if all else fails I’m booking another cruise holiday! Yay.